This animation just really went downhill after the first minute.
It seemed to have a direction of sorts at the beginning. Signs of a script and some form of self-deprecation on the horizon. Which would do a person good once a while if ones flash career seems to mostly rely on bashing other people. My mouth started to water, finally some sign of a person behind all that dickdrawing and endless parodying.
But before the comparisement between egoraptors and your work got even close the gag came. And it was a pretty good gag and the one following up where ego proclaimed himself god was also funny. So generally I was happily suprised with the whole buildup comedy style and that there was plenty of time to understand the inner joke between 2 animators about the subject. But after "the ego god joke" none the events started to make to sense to me anymore, as I felt that the animation did it's job already.
By then the whole thing derailed into 2 fast animation ( really bad timing on some the animation even though all the drawings were there, what is the point having them there if a person can only see it by pausing your video? ).
Add the needless yelling, laughing, vulgairty and violence that seems to be populair comedy lately and suddenly this gem turns into the whole thing those guys ( and me ) were complaining about in the first place. Which is a normal occurence when a joke is carried out for too long it finds it own ass.