The animation was pretty nice
However the subject did not speak at all to me. I have followed a lot of information about climate change and lot of the information passed around are simply anti progession as the so called facts they come with are contra dicting itself. Something that comes from nature in human itself and returns in lot of religions as well, basicly humans are relatively scared of progress and want to stay in control of it. In fact with the lack of proof around the global warming i think one could speak of it as a form of religion that is bestowed on us through the media.
For example global warming as cause of our co2 exhaust has never been proven, in fact when a vulcan pumps out co2 levels in mere couple of hours that we do in whole year there is no effect visible in temperature on earth at all. But when temperature rises 1 degrees the ammount of co2 increase drasticly in comparisement because of faster chemical reactions. Is it therefor a good statement that we increase the temperature with our co2 output which is not proven at all or that the co2 output increases with temperature rising which is proven?
Even if global warming was our fault the ammount of hurricanes would actually dminisch which seems to be case yet when it happens we blame it on global warming that traces back to our co2 output. Which is basicly a straight lie in our face, a lie that you inforce in this movie once again.
And can anyone make any statement with the world that existed for countless of years in mostly tropical state only to turn relatively cold for like 0.01% of its lifespan after iceage that returning to its previous climate is our fault? And why is it bad?
I dont think we should focus on climate changes at all but on nature instead and damage we do to that. Our cellphones and other forms of wireless communication seem to kill out the bee population, like einstein said our civilisation would stop after the bees become extinct since 70% of our food suply is depended on them. Those and countless more animals and plants that make life possible on this planet are important for our survival and we should focus on that if any.
As for oil, our economy depends on that, without it its not possible for the western world to keep opressing the others and if we fail on that our countries will loose strenght to keep up my life style the earth reserves 10km2 just for me that I and many others take without knowing from another part of the planet in which they starve to death to keep me fed and payed so i can buy superior technology. Without that you could not have shared your movie and I could not have replied to it since we would have the cash to pay for the equipment ;p
I am just trieing to say there plenty of things wrong in this world but climate change is one not one of them.