Its like a tribute to silent hill. Good one though
Interesting series to watch. Nice graphics and cool use of 3d effects. Scene which I liked best was the scene where main character was holding a pipe ready to set an ambush and when he peeked around the corner for a second time :)
One things that was bit off putting is that I watched the other series before this and well it kind of ruins the atmoshpere :) a bit.
But I can understand the idea I used to make horror survival games for my friends in old days so its all in good fun. Besides you managed to avoid inside jokes and focused more serious level of story telling, even threw in a bit of emotion there at the end. However i hope you do understand my point thats it hard to relate to something like that if 10 minutes earlier I heard you say in similar voice: " listen here im scoot and this is my house and ugh....".
Everything apart from the car was well drawn. The monsters exspecially looked creepy. When it comes to creating scary atmoshpere you have gotten to same level as sickdeathfiend in my opinion ( without the gore then ;) ).
One last thing the characters could have been presented to be a bit more fragile though. As they are presented now they could probably survive a direct collision into a truck :)
Maybe the death of one the 4 characters in the next episode could add bit of a danger feeling to the series :)
Anyway good fun to watch this looking forward for next one